Cecille Elliott
CECILLE ELLIOTT is a multifaceted musician currently based in Portland, Oregon. Originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan, her music journey began with studying violin and viola alongside members of her family, learning and playing orchestral and chamber music with them regularly. Her interests continued expanding to songwriting, film music, theater, and pop music styles. During college in Kalamazoo, Michigan, she shifted her studies from strings to voice, engaging primarily with vocal jazz, classical, and contemporary choral styles.
She can be found performing and collaborating regularly with artists in Portland and around the country. She frequents as a vocalist and a featured artist with Resonance Ensemble. She is a commissioned composer and regularly engages in creative pursuits such as songwriting, arranging, electronic music production, and improvisation. Her artistic passions center on topics such as exploring and cultivating creative and artistic literacy, music as a vehicle of expression, connection and communication, and celebrating the diversity of music and how her instruments find voices around the world across various genres, styles, purposes, cultures, and artistic mediums.